McGlothlin, J. W., M. E. Kobiela, H. V. Wright, J. J. Kolbe, J. B. Losos, and E. D. Brodie III. 2022. Conservation and convergence of genetic architecture in the adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards. American Naturalist 200: E207-E220.
Reimche, J. S., R. E. del Carlo, E. D. Brodie, Jr., J. W. McGlothlin, K. Slauch, M. E. Pfrender, E. D. Brodie III, N. Leblanc, and C. R. Feldman. 2022. The road not taken: Evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance in the Sierra garter snake (Thamnophis couchii) by a path less traveled. Molecular Ecology 31: 3827-3843.
De Lisle, S. P., D. I. Bolnick, E. D. Brodie III, A. J. Moore, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2022. Interacting phenotypes and the coevolutionary process: interspecific indirect genetic effects alter coevolutionary dynamics. Evolution 76: 429-444.
McGlothlin, J. W., E. Akçay, E. D. Brodie III, A. J. Moore, and J. Van Cleve. 2022. A synthesis of game theory and quantitative genetic models of social evolution. Journal of Heredity 113: 109-119.
McGlothlin, J. W. and D. N. Fisher. 2022. Social selection and the evolution of maladaptation. Journal of Heredity 113: 61-68.
Moore, A. J., J. W. McGlothlin, and J. B. Wolf. 2022. Runaway evolution from male-male competition. Ecology Letters 25: 295-306.
Gendreau, K. L., A. D. Hornsby, M. T. J. Hague, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2021. Gene conversion facilitates the adaptive evolution of self-resistance in highly toxic newts. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 4077-4094. (Open Access) (Supplementary Material) (bioRxiv)
Hernandez, J., C. Hucul, E. Reasor, T. Smith, J. W. McGlothlin, D. C. Haak, L. K. Belden, and I. T. Moore. 2021. Assessing age, breeding stage, and mating activity as drivers of variation in the reproductive microbiome of female tree swallows. Ecology and Evolution 11: 11398-11413. (Open Access) (Supporting Information)
Wittman, T. N., C. D. Robinson, J. W. McGlothlin, and R. M. Cox. 2021. Hormonal pleiotropy structures genetic covariance. Evolution Letters 5: 397-407. (Open Access) (Supporting Information)
Gendreau, K. L., M. T. J. Hague, C. R. Feldman, E. D. Brodie, Jr., E. D. Brodie III, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2020. Sex linkage of the skeletal muscle sodium channel gene (SCN4A) explains apparent deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of tetrodotoxin-resistance alleles in garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis). Heredity 124: 647-657.
Guo, J., S. Dadashi, M. Bender, S. T. Paruchuri, N. Powell, Y. Sharma, H. Kurdila, J. W. McGlothlin, and A. J. Kurdila. 2019. Probabilistic error bounds on constraint violation for empirical-analytical Lagrangian models of motion. Nonlinear Dynamics 98: 195-213.
McGlothlin, J. W., R. M. Cox, and E. D. Brodie III. 2019. Sex-specific selection and the evolution of between-sex genetic covariance. Journal of Heredity 110: 422-432. (Open Access)
Perry, B. W., D. C. Card, J. W. McGlothlin, (28 authors), and T. A. Castoe. 2018. Molecular adaptations for sensing and securing prey and insight into amniote genome diversity from the garter snake genome. Genome Biology and Evolution 10: 2110-2129. (Open Access) (Supplementary Material)
McGlothlin, J. W., M. E. Kobiela, H. V. Wright, D. K. Mahler, J. J. Kolbe, J. B. Losos, and E. D. Brodie III. 2018. Adaptive radiation along a deeply conserved genetic line of least resistance in Anolis lizards. Evolution Letters 2: 310-322. (Open Access) (Supporting Information)
Logan, M. L., J. D. Curlis, A. L. Gilbert, D. B. Miles, A. K. Chung, J. W. McGlothlin, and R. M. Cox. 2018. Thermal physiology and thermoregulatory behaviour exhibit low heritability despite genetic divergence between lizard populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180697.
Montiglio, P. O., J. W. McGlothlin, and D. R. Farine. 2018. Social structure modulates the evolutionary consequences of social plasticity: a social network perspective on interacting phenotypes. Ecology and Evolution 8:1451–1464. (Open Access)
Fetters, T. L. and J. W. McGlothlin. 2017. Life histories and invasions: accelerated laying rate and incubation time in an invasive lizard, Anolis sagrei. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122: 635-642. (Access via journal website)

Cox, R. M., R. A. Costello, B. E. Camber, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2017. Multivariate genetic architecture of the Anolis dewlap reveals both shared and sex-specific features of a sexually dimorphic ornament. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30: 1262-1275.
Cox, R.M., C.L. Cox, J.W. McGlothlin, D. Card, A. Andrew, and T.A. Castoe. 2017. Hormonally mediated increases in sex-biased gene expression accompany the breakdown of between-sex genetic correlations in a sexually dimorphic lizard. American Naturalist 189:315-332. (Supplement)
Cox, R. M., J. W. McGlothlin, and F. Bonier. 2016. Hormones as mediators of phenotypic and genetic integration: an evolutionary genetics approach. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 126-137.
Cox, R. M., J. W. McGlothlin, and F. Bonier. 2016. Evolutionary Endocrinology: Hormones as mediators of evolutionary phenomena. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56: 121-125.

McGlothlin, J. W., M. E. Kobiela, C. R. Feldman, T. A. Castoe, S. L. Geffeney, C. T. Hanifin, G. Toledo, F. J. Vonk, M. K. Richardson, E. D. Brodie, Jr., M. E. Pfrender, and E. D. Brodie III. 2016. Historical contingency in a multigene family facilitates adaptive evolution of toxin resistance. Current Biology 26: 1616-1621. (Open Access)
McGlothlin, J.W. 2016. Social effects. pp. 134-139 in Kliman, R., ed., Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, Vol. 4 (Quantitative Genetics). Academic Press.
Cain, K., J. M. Jawor, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2016. Individual variation and selection on hormone-mediated phenotypes in male and female dark-eyed juncos. pp. 120-147 in E. D. Ketterson and J. W. Atwell, eds., Snowbird: Integrative Biology and Evolutionary Diversity in the Junco. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago.
McGlothlin, J.W. and E. D. Ketterson. 2016. Hormonal pleiotropy and the evolution of correlated traits. pp. 100-119 in E. D. Ketterson and J. W. Atwell, eds., Snowbird: Integrative Biology and Evolutionary Diversity in the Junco. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago.
McGlothlin, J. W., J. P. Chuckalovcak, D. E. Janes, S. V. Edwards, C. R. Feldman, E. D. Brodie, Jr., M. E. Pfrender, and E. D. Brodie III. 2014. Parallel evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance in three voltage-gated sodium channel genes in the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31: 2836-2846. (Open Access) (Supplementary material)
McGlothlin, J. W., J. B. Wolf, E. D. Brodie III, and A. J. Moore. 2014. Quantitative genetic versions of Hamilton’s rule with empirical applications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369: 20130358. (Open Access)
McGlothlin, J. W. and L. F. Galloway. 2014. The contribution of maternal effects to selection response: an empirical test of competing models. Evolution 68: 549-558. (Online appendix and tables)
Ketterson, E. D., J. W. Atwell, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2014. Evolution of hormones and behavior. pp. 616-623 in J. Losos, ed. Princeton Guide to Evolution. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton.
Sanger, T.J., E. Sherratt, J. W. McGlothlin, E. D. Brodie III, J. B. Losos, and A. Abzhanov. 2013. Convergent evolution of sexual dimorphism in skull shape using distinct developmental strategies. Evolution 67: 2180-2193.
Gerlach, N. M., J. W. McGlothlin, P. G. Parker, and E. D. Ketterson. 2012. Reinterpreting Bateman gradients: multiple mating and selection in both sexes of a songbird species. Behavioral Ecology 23: 1078-1088.
Gerlach, N. M., J. W. McGlothlin, P. G. Parker, and E. D. Ketterson. 2012. Promiscuous mating produces offspring with higher lifetime fitness. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279: 860-866. (Online appendix)
Formica, V. A., J. W. McGlothlin, C. W. Wood, M. E. Augat, R. E. Butterfield, M. E. Barnard, and E. D. Brodie III. 2011. Phenotypic social selection in a wild population of forked fungus beetles. Evolution 65: 2771-2781.
McGlothlin, J. W., A. J. Moore, J. B. Wolf, and E. D. Brodie III. 2010. Interacting phenotypes and the evolutionary process. III. Social evolution. Evolution 64: 2558-2574.
McGlothlin, J. W., D. J. Whittaker, S. E. Schrock, N. M. Gerlach, J. M. Jawor, E. A. Snajdr, and E. D. Ketterson. 2010. Natural selection on testosterone production in a wild songbird population. American Naturalist 175: 687-701. (Online appendix)
McGlothlin, J. W. 2010. Combining selective episodes to estimate lifetime nonlinear selection. Evolution 64: 1377-1384 (with Correction).
Ketterson, E. D., J. W. Atwell, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2009. Phenotypic integration and independence: hormones, performance, and response to environmental change. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49: 365-379.
Galloway, L. F., J. R. Etterson, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2009. The contribution of direct and maternal genetic effects to life-history evolution. New Phytologist 183: 826-838.
McGlothlin, J. W. and E. D. Brodie III. 2009. How to measure indirect genetic effects: the congruence of trait-based and variance-partitioning approaches. Evolution 63: 1785-1795 (with Erratum).
McGlothlin, J. W. and E. D. Ketterson. 2008. Hormone-mediated suites as adaptations and evolutionary constraints. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 363: 1161-1620.
McGlothlin, J. W., J. M. Jawor, T. J. Greives, J. M. Casto, J. L. Phillips, and E. D. Ketterson. 2008. Hormones and honest signals: males with larger ornaments elevate testosterone more when challenged. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 39-48.
McGlothlin, J. W., J. M. Jawor, and E. D. Ketterson. 2007. Natural variation in a testosterone-mediated trade-off between mating effort and parental effort. American Naturalist 170: 864-875.
Jawor, J. M., J. W. McGlothlin, J. M. Casto, T. J. Greives, E. A. Snajdr, G. E. Bentley, and E. D. Ketterson. 2007. Testosterone response to GnRH in a female songbird varies with stage of reproduction: implications for adult behaviour and maternal effects. Functional Ecology 21: 767-775.
McGlothlin, J. W., D. L. Duffy, J. L. Henry, and E. D. Ketterson. 2007. Diet quality affects feather growth rate and an attractive white plumage pattern in dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1391-1399.
Brodie, E. D., III, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2007. A cautionary tale of two matrices: the duality of multivariate abstraction. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 9-14.
Jawor, J. M., J. W. McGlothlin, J. M. Casto, T. J. Greives, E. A. Snajdr, G. E. Bentley, and E. D. Ketterson. 2006. Seasonal and individual variation in response to GnRH challenge in male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 149: 182-189.
Greives, T. J., J. W. McGlothlin, J. M. Jawor, G. E. Demas, and E. D. Ketterson. 2006. Testosterone and immune function inversely co-vary in a wild population of breeding Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis). Functional Ecology 20: 812-818.
McGlothlin, J. W., P. G. Parker, V. Nolan Jr., and E. D. Ketterson. 2005. Correlational selection leads to genetic integration of body size and an attractive plumage trait in dark-eyed juncos. Evolution 59: 658-671.
McGlothlin, J. W., D. L. H. Neudorf, J. M. Casto, V. Nolan Jr., and E. D. Ketterson. 2004. Elevated testosterone reduces choosiness in female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis): evidence for a hormonal constraint on sexual selection? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271: 1377-1384.
Brooks, M. A., B. C. Harrigan, K. M. Johnson, D. E. Lowe, J. P. Lowery, J. W. McGlothlin, M. M. Sasso, S. A. Smith, and D. A. Cristol. 2001. Revisit schedule does not affect results of point counts. Journal of Field Ornithology 72: 404-411.
McCauley, D. E., C. M. Richards, S. N. Emery, R. A. Smith, and J. W. McGlothlin. 2001. The interaction of genetic and demographic processes in plant metapopulations: A case study of Silene alba. pp. 177-196 in J. Silvertown and J. Antonovics, eds. Integrating Ecology and Evolution in a Spatial Context. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
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